The White Rose Guild aims to support the real people of Scotland
When we decided to revolutionise tourism in Scotland by creating The White Rose Guild, we knew we had a challenge on our hands. Scotland is a country which is rich in history, traditions, products and unspeakable landscapes. We travelled the country, looking for the very creators who we wanted to support and celebrate.
Our desire to preserve the past whilst building an exciting future was very much part of the journey. We had to create a way of experiencing all of Scotland’s treasures, and ultimately involving craftsmen and women who have been quietly working in Scotland’s background. These exceptionally talented people need to be seen and heard and their work needs to be admired and treasured.
We aim to support the real people of Scotland
We will support local hardworking people in Scotland, whilst providing a sustainable approach to tourism
We will contribute to Scotland’s future not only by tourism but bringing people together
We aim to offer craft, culture and heritage like no other
We are offering visitors worldwide to be guided and enlightened
We are offering small or private tours
We guarantee hands-on history, tradition and culture
We will take you off the beaten path and away from typical tourist territory
We aim to excel in unique experiences
We want to offer you an exceptionally new and unique way of experiencing Scotland
We want you to meet people, artists and storytellers who will bring the Scottish culture alive with their crafts, artefacts and hands-on relics
We want you to see and experience genuine crafts and see the authentic Scotland
We want you to have an unforgettable holiday with golden memories.
“To be one among equals” …
These are words of wisdom from Sir William Macpherson of Cluny.
His knowledge and his commitment to his clan have inspired our values.

We want to provide an unforgettable experience, an unmatched opportunity to live and see authentic Scotland. There are many tours operating across Scotland, but The White Rose Guild aims to provide something different. We offer more than the standard tour operator and the typical attractions. We offer a personal experience and the chance to meet with genuine craftsmen and women. Our tours are unique and will open your eyes to the real Scotland. Read More
We are proud of our values respecting Scottish craftsmanship, our prices reflect the careful choices we have made. We believe our customers understand the importance of supporting these craftsmen and women by helping to preserve and promote their Scottish products and traditions. The White Rose Guild is keen to support the local economy wherever it can.
We offer our experiences to a small number of guests because we care about the impact our business has on local communities. We also want to ensure a certain standard, a level of service that our customers are intitled to. We wish to respect Scotland and have a minimum impact on the land which is the best outcome for businesses associated with The White Rose Guild.
Traditionally a Guild was an association of craftsmen or merchants formed for mutual aid and protection. The White Rose Guild is uniting craftsmen and women across Scotland, and it aims to support them.
Our experienced leaders are historians, museum consultants, artists; they live, breathe and partake in everyday Scottish culture. No one knows Scotland better!
We love Scotland and its people; we strongly believe that our business should have a positive impact on the country we care passionately about.

How the White Rose Guild was established
Our Story
Culloden is famous for its battle, now people come and go reflecting the past but with Scotland’s future on their minds. This was where the idea of The White Rose Guild was born. After a commemoration at Culloden, full of passion and devotion Luigi Pasiani and Paul Macdonald started chatting about Scottish tourism . Would it be possible to create a business that would help preserve Scotland’s history and promote talented craftspeople. The idea of offering small tours, off the beaten track, opportunities to experience a variety of crafts, feel a real connection to Scotland, away from the crowds and typical tourist attractions, this would be the future.

Luigi Pasiani: The White Rose Guild was born out of my desire to do something that I love and to discover something interesting at this point in my life. Through a conversation with my friend, Paul Macdonald, a Master Swordsmith, I came up with the solution of the White Rose Guild to provide an opportunity for people to experience what I love about Scotland. My interest in Scotland developed when I discussed genealogy with my mother. She mentioned we have Scottish roots and about my great grandmother being from the Badenoch area. I wanted to discover more about my heritage and started visiting Scotland. Read More
I attended a Bannockburn re-enactment and chatted to representatives of the Clan Macpherson. I mentioned my family links to the name, and they invited me to become a clan member. I was thoroughly excited to be accepted as a clan member and strengthen my connections to the clan.
I have always been interested in Scottish craft and I have met many craftsmen and women throughout Scotland, and they have told me some amazing stories on my visits. I have now built up a network of these people and I regard them as living history and a living culture that is so engaging to experience. The idea behind the White Rose Guild was to give these people a platform and offer tourists the opportunity to enjoy and relive my experiences.
The White Rose Guild aims to help preserve Scottish traditions and offer tours with a vivid experience and authentic Scottish way. Our aim is to contribute to the benefits that craftspeople bring to Scotland and support their handmade crafts and arts into future generations.
Paul Macdonald – Master swordsmith and Traditional Western Martial Arts Maestro in Edinburgh: The company was born out of a passion for Scottish history, culture and traditions. Through my years of crafting and teaching, I have seen that there are many people with a curiosity and appreciation for the crafts. It is enriching to help people understand how these crafts are linked to Scottish culture, history and traditions and I want to share that same opportunity with other skilled craftsmen in Scotland. So, I have partnered with Luigi Pasiani, an Italian entrepreneur with Scottish roots to make this vision a reality. Read More
Luigi has spent many years visiting Scotland and learning about Scottish culture and tradition. He had a keen interest in creating a way for visitors to experience the same education and inspiration that he has from his interactions with traditional crafts, clan gatherings, storytelling and other Scottish cultural experiences.
So, The White Rose Guild was born. Our mission is to create a sustainable and profitable way to promote genuine Scottish culture. To do this, we are reaching out to talented craftsmen to bring together the most highly skilled and knowledgeable artisans in the fields of history, crafts and culture. In doing so, we believe we can create an innovative, authentic and immersive Scottish experience.