When I first I first thought about writing a book my initial idea was to find out if the Sgian Dubh was a direct result of the Sgian Achlais (Oxter or Armpit knife)
After many years of research in all the major museums and libraries I could find nothing but anecdotal evidence.
As a consequence of the aforementioned I decided to create this catalogue. My theory being if you cannot touch an object then surely the next best thing is a photograph.
In this collection you will find both Civilian and Military Sgian Dubh’s. Where possible I have tried to place them in date order, however, there may be some errors!
I wanted to show just how beautiful some of these pieces are as generally speaking you can only see the tops of the handle as they nestle in your hose tops. I also thought where possible it would be useful to give the maker and any provenance.
Sadly we see a sharp decline in the quality of many of the highland accoutrements now being worn. I am delighted to say we still see quality makers continuing this fine tradition. Alistair Campbell, Garth Duncan, Hamilton & Inches and Peter Rowland just to name some.
I am always happy to assist others in curating their collection or advising where possible. I also wish to add further to my own collection and can be contacted on the following e-mail.
About Malcolm from his own words:
As a young boy I started to learn Highland Dancing. My mother was an accomplished ballet dancer in her day so I guess dancing was in my genes or kilt!
I was very lucky as whilst based in London there was a large number of pipe bands with a high proportion of ex Scottish soldiers (Late 50`s early 60`s). I was asked to dance with one band in particular and that is where I learnt or was “taught” to wear Highland dress properly.
This particular band was based in East London and the majority were ex Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders who were caught up in Dunkirk and spent many years in POW camps.
As I got older I danced in all major dance competitions including the Worlds, Braemar and Aboyne and had considerable success. I also taught Highland Dancing and performed in cabarets around the world with what was then British Caledonian Airways who had a Grade 1 band. The band was undoubtedly made up of some of the world’s finest pipers and drummers.
I have continued to dance all my life although now Scottish Country Dancing. I also head up a Ceilidh band and call at dances and weddings throughout the year.
My collection of Sgian Dubh’s started again as a direct result of my childhood dancing experience. I was given my first Sgian Dubh at 13 and on getting older it was suggested I “should collect something”. This again from an old Scottish soldier.
I became a trustee of the Scottish Tartans Authority as I strongly believe in the heritage and history of Tartans and Highland Dress. The Scottish Tartans Authority is dedicated to Preservation, Promotion and Protection of Tartan. It is imperative that we both maintain standards and allow those that follow to continue the research which has been carried out by some of the finest experts in this field.
I would strongly urge others to support such a wonderful and glorious heritage.